Episode 5: How to Construct an Interview Guide
Our focus today is focused on the interview guide itself. There are other key moments throughout the research process that are pivotal before, during, and after the construction of the interview guide that includes: IRB protocol, gaining access, transcribing, member checking, etc. Today, we are focusing solely on the interview guide.
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How to Construct an Interview Guide.
Bhattacharya, K. (2017). Fundamentals of qualitative research: A practical guide. Routledge.
Esposito, J., & Evans-Winters, V. (2021). Introduction to intersectional qualitative research. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.
Evans-Winters, V. E. (2019). Black feminism in qualitative inquiry: A mosaic for writing our daughter’s body. Routledge.
Kallio, H., Pietilä, A. M., Johnson, M., & Kangasniemi, M. (2016). Systematic methodological review: developing a framework for a qualitative semi‐structured interview guide. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(12), 2954-2965.
Seidman, I. (2019). Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education and the social sciences. Teachers college press.